Dealing with common fears in custody battles

The anger and sense of betrayal that comes out in custody battles is something that most people don’t anticipate. These feelings are likely based on the fear that a parent will be deprived of the right to make important decisions about the child’s life, or the possibility that they will be punished by the other parent by being cut out of the child’s life. 

Regardless of these fears,  a good way to move past these fears is by preparing to defend your position. The old adage “if you prepare for the worst, you can expect the best” is based on this notion. With that, this post will identify three things that can help in preparing for your custody case. 

Both parents should be parents – Above everything, family court judges are charged with making decisions that are in the child’s best interests. A firm belief shared by them is that kids are best served when both parents are involved in the child’s life. This means that parents should put their personal differences aside and do what is best for the child, even though they might disagree from time to time.

Courts have heard the parade of terribles – A threatened parent may feel it necessary to emphasize how terrible the other parent is in an attempt to protect their own custody and parenting rights. However, when it comes to custody battles, your family court judge has likely seen it before. You can take solace in knowing that your faults are not on trial.

Family court judges care about the kids – As noted to earlier, family court judges are interested in doing what’s in the child’s best interests. So child’s needs come before a parent’s interests in maintaining control over decision-making.