Business associates having a meeting

Asset Protection For Your Small Business

Next to turning a profit, protecting assets is among a small business’s most important objectives. Securing the long-term success of your company depends on it, and the services of an experienced business and corporate law attorney can help. But what are your company’s assets? And how can you safeguard them?

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Business partners having a discussion

How To Create A Business Partnership Agreement

Partnerships offer a number of different benefits to members who wish to do business together. But before you launch a partnership, it is imperative that a written agreement be established. A well-drafted partnership agreement will accomplish several important objectives such as ensuring every member understands his or her obligations to the...

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Client and attorney shaking ands

Common Governance Issues That Non-Profits Face

Non-Profit corporate governance is something many non-profit directors and officers should be aware of. Operating a non-profit entity can be a rewarding and socially beneficial endeavor. However, far too many non-profits focus on their service missions without giving enough attention to proper governance. Bad governance can easily drive an organization into chaos,...

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